Friday, November 4, 2011

The Birth of a Black Republican (Part 1)

I was standing over my sink cleaning mustard greens this past weekend, (yes, mustard greens; I’m a Republican, but I’m still Black) and I was in deep thought about the history of Blacks and Republicans.  I was a Democrat from the age of 18, when I first voted until recent years.  However, in the summer of   1972, when the Roe vs. Wade decision legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, I became keenly aware of my own morals and values.   As a Democrat, I began to look deep into the heart of political leaders, community leaders, pastors where this issue was concern (abortion).  It was not a pretty sight.  After educating myself about the procedure and the women who have them, I vowed never again to, knowingly, vote for any candidate for public office or other wise that would support such a devilish act as a choice for women in unplanned pregnancy.  To date, I have kept that vow.

This was the beginning of my association with Conservatism.  I figured out that I was always Conservative in my values.  After all these years, I can honestly say that voting my convictions rather than my wallet has given me the peace that so many hunger after because I did not violate my own convictions and the principles in the Word of God. 

Three years ago, I became a Republican, but not for the reasons some may think.   You see, I did my homework again!  I have researched, researched, and researched some more.  Then finally, I read the Democratic Platform and the Republican Platform.  Guess what, my Conservative morals and values were more aligned with the Republican platform.  I could have become an Independent; but for ME it was like being in the middle of the road and I’m not a middle of the road kind of gal.  It’s like pulling the good from the left and the good from the right.  Like having your cake and eating it too; know what I mean?  It reminded me of what God said to the Laodicea Church in Revelation 3:15-16, “…you are neither cold nor hot.  Would that you were cold or hot!  So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of My mouth.”      

I am a true blue Republican!  And proud of it!

By the way, White people eat mustard Greens, too!

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